NOVAVISION is an integrated Field Service Assist solution that allow mobile Field Service Professional to collaborate with Central Service or multiple remote sites for high efficiency service support.

NOVAVISION combine smart glasses devices such as RealWear, Vuzix or Moverio and collaborative cloud application VSight to enable Field Service Professional to carry out maintenance, repair and inspection in a “hand-free” manner.

NOVAVISION is a Pre-approved Digital Solution under IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority) for PSG grant.

With up to 80% funding support, PSG serves as an avenue for companies to make long-term technology investments. The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) supports companies keen on adopting IT solutions and equipment to enhance business processes. Companies keen to improve productivity by adopting technology solutions can now tap this simplified grant.

Contact us at for consultation and demonstration or submit a Request Form and we shall get back to you.

NOVAVISION Key Features:

  • Collaborate and solve problems effectively from different locations in real time.
  • Share video and documents and receive instructions from experts instantly.
  • Work on one model from several people and document all the necessary information.
  • Using AR+ function to draw and stick-on live broadcast video.

NOVAVISION can be used for the following Industries:

Construction: (Download Brochure)

  • Remote Invigilation
  • Remote Inspection

Environmental Service:

  • Remote Inspection
  • Remote Assessment

Logistics and Warehouse:

  • Remote Inspection
  • Remote Stock Talk Supervision

Contact us at for consultation and demonstration.